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While makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information, this site is presented "as is". By accessing and using this website you acknowledge and agree that use of the website and the content is entirely at your own risk. We make no representations or warranties regarding the website and the content, including, without limitation, no representation or warranty
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These terms and conditions may change at our discretion at any time, and without notice. All orders and purchases made through this site are also governed by these terms and conditions. We may correct errors or inaccuracies and change or update information on this website at any time without notice, including pricing and item availability. All prices listed are in Canadian dollars and all charges will be processed in Canadian dollars. All prices listed on this site are subject to confirmation. We reserve the right to cancel orders at our discretion and not to ship to certain addresses.
All content on, including the overall design, imagery, photography, illustrations, graphics and text is owned, controlled, or licensed to Fenigo Inc. or other third parties and is subject to all applicable copyright and trademark laws. Such content is intended solely for personal, noncommercial (other than for the purchase of merchandise from use by visitors to our site. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is a violation of law and is strictly forbidden. You may not reproduce, publish, transmit or make any commercial use of content on